
Kuana Torres Kaheleが歌うI Call Him Lordと歌詞

Kuana Torres Kahele “I Call Him Lord


Na Palapalaiのアルバム「Ke `Ala Beauty」に収録。

Ke Ala Beauty

Ke Ala Beauty

  • Na Palapalai
  • Koops 2 Ent.
  • 価格¥609(2025/03/14 09:34時点)
  • 発売日2004/04/05
  • 商品ランキング175,329位

歌詞はコチラから。作詞・作曲はDottie Ramboとあります。

“I Call Him Lord” lyrics

1. Master, Redeemer, Savior of the world.
Wonderful, Counselor, Bright Morning Star.
Lily of the valley, Provider, and Friend,
He was yesterday, He’ll be tomorrow, Beginning and End.

But the angel called Him Jesus, born of a virgin.
Mary called Him Jesus, but I call Him Lord.

2. Jehovah, Messiah, Mighty God and King.
Bread of Life, lasting words of love that I sing.
Light and darkness, Door to heaven, my home in the sky,
The Fountain of Living Water that never shall run dry.


「Kuana Torres Kaheleが歌うI Call Him Lordと歌詞」への2件のフィードバック

  1. ピンバック: alohayou.com Hawaiian Music

  2. ピンバック: alohayou.com Hawaiian Music


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