
Sean Na`auaoのLi Hing Hulaと歌詞

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Sean Na`auao “Li Hing Hula


曲名のLi Hingは中国語?

オリジナルアルバム「Homegrown Hawaiian」に収録。

このアルバムをiTunesでチェックする場合はこちらから itunes ※iTunesが起動します

ベスト盤の「Hot Hits」にも入っています。

【2022/3/4 追記】
“Li Hing Hula”の歌詞を和訳しました

“Li Hing Hula” Lyrics

Grab a red or white seed, that’s all you’ll need

To do the li hing hula

Put it in your mouth, without a doubt

You’ll Kaholo to the li hing hula

Swaying to the ‘ami of a shiver

From the sweet and sour, sprinkle of the powder

The li hing mui, some hard or chewy

Kaholo, sway, ‘ami all the way

Hula to the li hing shiver

The flavor you taste, will quiver to your waist

Swaying to the li hing hula

Sweet or sour, you’ll ‘ami for an hour

Doing the li hing hula

Swaying to the ‘ami of a shiver

From the sweet and sour, sprinkle of the powder

The li hing mui, some hard or chewy

Kaholo, sway, ‘ami all the way

Hula to the li hing shiver


Swaying to the ‘ami of a shiver

From the sweet and sour, sprinkle of the powder

The li hing mui, some hard or chewy

Kaholo, sway, ‘ami all the way

Hula to the li hing shiver

Grab a red or white seed, that’s all you’ll need

To do the li hing hula

Put it in your mouth, without a doubt

You’ll Kaholo to the li hing hula

To the li hing hula

To the li hing hula

To the li hing hula

To the li hing hula



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