
Justin YoungのGonna Meet the Cloudsと歌詞

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Justin Young feat. Jon Yamasato ”Gonna Meet the Clouds



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アルバム「Justin & Friends Collection」に入っているのだけ曲名が”Gonna Meet the Clouds Again”となっていますが、同じ曲なんでしょうか?

このアルバムをiTunesでチェックする場合はこちらから itunes ※iTunesが起動します


“Gonna Meet the Clouds” Lyrics

Don’t think that it’s been easy getting on my feet again
Looked up and saw rock bottom could be a new beginning or the end
Then I knew so clearly that I could see it no longer
What won’t kill you will only make you stronger, stronger
I see a bright sun up ahead and I can’t wait to feel your warmth soaking in my head
I wanna fly high across the sky and visit all of my old friends, yeah
Gonna meet the clouds again

I surf the sea of heartache and climbed up mt. loneliness
Seen days as dark as midnight and hope turned into nothingness
Now I know that having nothing doesn’t matter
When you’re down and out, gotta learn to build a ladder
I see a bright sun up ahead and I can’t wait to feel your warmth soaking in my head
I wanna fly high across the sky and visit all of my old friends, yeah
Gonna meet the clouds again

I was hoping things’d be easier (???)
Understand now, see the darkness that is (?) inside
I see a bright sun up ahead and I can’t wait to feel your warmth soaking in my head
I wanna fly high across the sky and visit all of my old friends
I see a bright sun up ahead and I can’t wait to feel your warmth soaking in my head
I wanna fly high across the sky and visit all of my old friends, yeah
Gonna meet the clouds again


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