
SEX WAXセックスワックスの香りがすると海に来たなって気がするんですよ

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サーフボードワックスのSEX WAX

世界で一番有名なのはSEX WAXでしょうね。



以前、サーフポイントの近くにあるBarで「SEX WAX」というカクテルを頂きました。
ココナッツリキュールを使用したカクテルの甘い香りは、まさにSEX WAXそのもの。

SEX WAXは、サーフスポット近くのコンビニなどでは普通に売られており、サーフィンの必需品であることがよく分かります。


映画「カクテル」でもBGMで流れていましたThe Beach Boysビーチボーイズの”Kokomo”(ココモ) 。
SEX WAXの香りを嗅ぐと、何故かこの曲を思いだしてしまうんです。

The Beach Boys “Kokomo”

“ココモ” の歌詞

“Kokomo” Lyrics

Aruba, jamaica ooo I wanna take you
Bermuda, bahama come on pretty mama
Key largo, montego baby why dont we go

Off the florida keys
Theres a place called kokomo
Thats where you wanna go to get away from it all

Bodies in the sand
Tropical drink melting in your hand
Well be falling in love
To the rhythm of a steel drum band
Down in kokomo

Aruba, jamaica ooo I wanna take you
To bermuda, bahama come on pretty mama
Key largo, montego baby why dont we go

Ooo I wanna take you down to kokomo
Well get there fast
And then well take it slow
Thats where we wanna go
Way down to kokomo

To martinique, that monserrat mystique

Well put out to sea
And well perfect our chemistry
By and by well defy a little bit of gravity

Afternoon delight
Cocktails and moonlit nights
That dreamy look in your eye
Give me a tropical contact high
Way down in kokomo

Aruba, jamaica ooo I wanna take you
To bermuda, bahama come on pretty mama
Key largo, montego baby why dont we go

Ooo I wanna take you down to kokomo
Well get there fast
And then well take it slow
Thats where we wanna go
Way down to kokomo

Port au prince I wanna catch a glimpse

Everybody knows
A little place like kokomo
Now if you wanna go
And get away from it all
Go down to kokomo

Aruba, jamaica ooo I wanna take you
To bermuda, bahama come on pretty mama
Key largo, montego baby why dont we go

Ooo I wanna take you down to kokomo
Well get there fast
And then well take it slow
Thats where we wanna go
Way down to kokomo

Aruba, jamaica ooo I wanna take you
To bermuda, bahama come on pretty mama
Key largo, montego baby why dont we go

Ooo I wanna take you down to kokomo


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