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Stuart HollingerのYoloと歌詞

Stuart Hollinger “Yolo


アルバム「Endangered Species」に収録。

このアルバムをiTunesでチェックする場合はこちらから ※iTunesが起動します

You only live onceの頭文字でyoloだそうです。

“Yolo” lyrics

Perilous journey, destination unknown
Keeping your mind clear
head in a zone
Trials, tribulations, racing the clock
Parting the sea
climbing mountains of rock
Reach for the stars, don’t think twice
full speed ahead keep rolling the dice

Yolo, Yolo
Yolo, Yolo
Yolo, Yolo
You only live once

Looking, learning, desires high
Days so short, time really flies
Gotta keep moving
Can’t stay in one place
Pushing, striving, upping the pace
Take the plunge, jump right in
Never trying is the only sin


Follow your dreams
trust your heart
Dreams come true
don’t wait to start
Follow your dream
believe U can
Spirit Above will lend a hand

