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Kawika Kahiapoが歌うKaulana Makapu`uと歌詞

Kawika Kahiapo “Kaulana Makapu’u


アルバム「Ku`u `Aina Aloha」に収録。

このアルバムをiTunesでチェックする場合はこちらから ※iTunesが起動します


“Kaulana Makapu`u” lyrics

As I gaze into the sunrise over Manana
At Keanaokeakuapololi
And the canopy of mist over Ka’ohika’ipu
Sits above the waves that find their destiny

Kaulana o Makapu’u
Kuahiwi Kukilkila ia Kaupo
One look and you will find
A place like no other kind
Our little Heaven on earth

At Kalapueo the wind swirls out to sea
And finds it’s way down the slopes of Ka’iwi
Na Kohola dancing playfully
Out on the ocean blue
Ke Akua made this place for
Me and you
