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Kimie “Ocean



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“Ocean” Lyrics

Loving you is like the ocean
High tides and low tides
I’m feelin’ sick from your motions
you take me on this bumpy ride.
Just like your rocky shore lines
you’re dangerous and undpredictable. mhhm.
I need a life raft to save my mind
‘cause I’m drowning in your sea of miserable.

But I wish you were the ocean
‘cause to swim in your water is endless.
with you I am the sunset
when we kiss on the horizon.
But it always gets dark
when I leave you behind.
your water turns cold
with no warmth from my light.
I’m tired of trying to keep me head above
and stay afloat and swim against your water.

I’m floating in serenity
then I’m drowning in my misery.
You’re changing with the weather
whenever we’re together
can’t seem to figure you out
I can’t seem to figure you out.

I feel just like an island.
Your constant waves always surrounding me.
I never knew of a dry land.
until you took your love away from me.
You made the rain stop
and then you made it pour down.
I’ve never been so confused.
You got me sinking
and you got me thinking
that you should be the one to lose.

But I wish you were the ocean
‘cause to swim in your water is endless.
with you I am the sunset
when we kiss on the horizon.
But it always gets dark
when I leave you behind.
your water turns cold
with no warmth from my light.
I’m tired of trying to keep me head above and stay afloat and swim against your water.
