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KatchafireのFrisk Me Downと歌詞

Katchafire “Frisk Me Down


ベストアルバム「Best So Far」に収録。

このアルバムをiTunesでチェックする場合はこちらから ※iTunesが起動します

オリジナルアルバムだと「Slow Burnin」になるみたい。


“Frisk Me Down” Lyrics

Restricting me from movement
That should be a criminal offence But first they have to prove it
With some concrete evidence They might do everything in their power
They might pull every string in their area code We must hold our head high
True dread IKnock, knock come in
Enter at your own riskDon’t frisk me down
Because of my brown skinDon’t frisk me down
Because of my brown skinThey might do everything in their power They might pull every string in their area code We must hold our head high
True dread IKnock, knock come in
Enter at your own riskDon’t frisk me down
Because of my brown skinDon’t frisk me down
Because of my brown skin
