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Country ComfortのHello Waimanaloと歌詞

Country Comfort “Hello Waimanalo


アルバム「Country Comfort II」に収録。

歌詞はコチラから。作詞・作曲はBilly Kauiでしょうか?

“Hello Waimanalo” lyrics

A Waimanalo original

What happened to your sister
What have they done to hurt her
Did they cut out her heart
Did they tell her a lie
What did they to make her cry

Will they be back
To see Paradise
Or will they just pass her by


*And it’s goodbye California
I’m a-gonna leave you now
Going where the weather
Suits my Soul

And it’s Hello Waimanalo
I’m a-coming back to you
Looking for a home
With a mountain view


*And it’s goodbye California
I’m a-gonna leave you now
